Full Video: Asrar Rashid Debate Shahid Ali At Wedding (see description)

Описание к видео Full Video: Asrar Rashid Debate Shahid Ali At Wedding (see description)

Shahid Ali wrote this after the confrontation👇

I was confronted by Asrar Sahib during a wedding and he asked me for a debate to which I agreed. He told me to mention all the points on why I believe he is wrong.

I told him that I have already done that publicly in videos and also written it out so he must write a response. He told me that my questions are not even worth answering. So I told him if they aren't even worth it then why are you even stopping me now wanting to debate? It doesn't make sense.

In any case the objections upon him have been made public and are written as well. He has plenty of time to answer everything and clear misconceptions. I have given him plenty of time but he is not answering anything and not even retracting open errors. The ball is in his court.
The whole incident was being recorded and I didn't have anyone with me as Mufti Sahib and others had left. Nevertheless I sat with him to talk but gave him 2 straight answers basically:

I have already refuted you publicly in videos (meaning: so no need to repeat here)

Secondly I have also written questions out so please respond to everything in writing.

The issues against him have been publicly presented already. If he cannot answer anything then obviously we know why. He is in the wrong and doesn't have any answers.

Jumping on a person at someone else's wedding and asking for a "debate" isn't the manner befitting an "alim". It is time Shaykh Asrar Rashid sahib stops playing games and starts answering everything put to him.


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