Infusion of Infinite Love 8.5.2024 - Being with body density in the incoming High Frequency Light

Описание к видео Infusion of Infinite Love 8.5.2024 - Being with body density in the incoming High Frequency Light

Hello & Welcome!
Glad you chose to join us for this Infusion of Infinite Love, delivered by Theresa Witek. Bringing in waves of high frequency, unconditional love thru the Light of Divine Source.

Awakening your heart and uplifting your Spirit while releasing what no longer serves you. Let the vibrations of Divine Love immerse your body, mind and Soul to realign and nurture your connection to the infinite Light within.

As everyone is at a different place on their own journey, in their own simulation of reality, there is no wrong way to experience this. It is in the Wisdom of Source God and your Soul to receive these transmissions exactly where you are at. Divinely Perfect, just for you!

So relax, maybe set an intention into the field beforehand and let the miraculous magic of unconditional Love wash over you, thru you and surround you, in all dimensions. Allow the Light into the dark places within where you are struggling. Let go of all that you can’t control, all that has your mind looping and surrender it to the Infinite Light. Miracles can’t happen unless you ask, so ask Source & your Soul Angels for the assistance you need.

Thank You for spending your precious time with us and for all you are doing within for your Ascension. As your light expands, you assist in lighting the way for others. Thank You for the Love you choose and the Light you Be!

If this Light & Love that flows thru this channel resonates with you and you are feeling called to support our journey of service to humanity, you can send a contribution to:


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