Commodore Plus4 - Sabre Wulf - Longplay

Описание к видео Commodore Plus4 - Sabre Wulf - Longplay

Longplay kindly donated by the programmer Gary Cooper (aka "gc841" on the plus4world site).
A note from the programmer himself.....
The reason I wanted to do this is because I think most people found the game very difficult, so may have not got very far. At least now they can see more of the game, and it may encourage people to have another go.

There were no cheats, it's genuine, although it took a few goes, I fail more often than I complete it. Until I saw the spectrum version completed on Youtube, I didn't used to get very far at all.

It's probably worth mentioning that the 4 amulet pieces that you collect appear in different locations each game, but it should still be useful for anyone wanting to make progress.

Download from here:


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