Letting Go Into the Flow // Monthly I Ching Apr 2021 // Hexagram 29

Описание к видео Letting Go Into the Flow // Monthly I Ching Apr 2021 // Hexagram 29

In April 2021, the I Ching's advice is quite clear - be willing to let go and swim with the flow. As a rush of energy pushes us forward, we have to let go of what we cling to, overcome our fear and plunge into that surge. This does not mean being reckless. It's about managing the risks you can and being willing to go with your flow. Watch this episode for more. English, Spanish and Portuguese captions (CC) available.

I Ching Resources, Links and Giveaways: https://linktr.ee/ichingcafe


0:00 Intro
1:20 Last week's recap
3:32 Hexagram 29 The Abysmal


Main or Present Hexagram - Hexagram 29 The Abysmal
Changing Lines - None
Outcome Hexagram - None


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