Why I build my client websites on Squarespace

Описание к видео Why I build my client websites on Squarespace

WHY I BUILD MY CLIENT WEBSITES ON SQUARESPACE: http://www.charlotteohara.ca/blog/why...

Like many web designers/developers, I used to be an adamant WordPress (WP) supporter. I loved how WordPress gave me full control over my every single aspect of my website and that I could get it to behave exactly how I wanted at all times. I worked with everyday so I was very comfortable creating, maintaining and updating websites (both mine and my clients’) on WordPress.

But fast-forward to the present and I’ve changed my position and now I am standing on the mountain top singing praises of SquareSpace instead.

Today, I build all my clients’ websites on the SquareSpace platform and encourage anyone taking the DYI route to do the same.

So what changed? Why did I make the switch from WordPress to SquareSpace as the platform of choice for all my client websites?

When I thought critically about my clients’ goals and what they needed from their websites, SquareSpace came out on top in every way.

This video covers:
-Comparing platforms: Squarepace, Wordpress, Shopify, Showit, etc.
-Simplicity & usability
-Easy to build & maintain Squarespace websites
-Working within limits of Squarespace's platform and templates
-Design, functionality - built in and customizable
-Cost effective
-Social media integration
-Less back end website updates required

Website: https://www.charlotteohara.ca
Instagram:   / lottieohara  
Pinterest:   / lottieohara  

DOWNLOAD THE SQUARESPACE SEO CHECKLIST: http://www.charlotteohara.ca/ss-seo-c...

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Thanks for watching, enjoy! -Charlotte


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