Wubbulous World of Dr Seuss | The Cat In The Hat Cleans Up His Act | Jim Henson's Family Hub

Описание к видео Wubbulous World of Dr Seuss | The Cat In The Hat Cleans Up His Act | Jim Henson's Family Hub

In the very messy Cat’s Playhouse, when the Cat in the Hat loses his bow tie, it’s cleaning time!

In the very messy Cat’s Playhouse, when the Cat in the Hat loses his bow tie, it’s cleaning time! That is, if he and the Little Cats ever get around to it… In the Wubbulous World, we meet Matthew Katroom, who battles his messy room. And Yertle the Turtle sells Jane Kangeroo a new kind of mess-free Turtle Tree.

Director: David Gumpel
Stars: Martin P. Robinson as The Cat In The Hat; Anthony Asbury as Terrence Mcbird and The Grinch; Stephanie D'Abruzzo as Little Cat B, Max and Sarah Hall-Small; John E. Kennedy as Little Cat C, Norval The Fish and Sam-I-Am; Leslie Carrara as Little Cat A

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