I sold my Prophet 6 and bought a Prophet 5 Rev 4 - Dark Horror Tones

Описание к видео I sold my Prophet 6 and bought a Prophet 5 Rev 4 - Dark Horror Tones

Everything below is from the perspective of a person who buys synths for horror music - 80s style John Carpenter/Alan Howarth etc.- I'm into textures and simple synth scores.

Video Shot on Sony A7SIII + Tamron 28/75
12,800 ISO

Prophet 5 into Focusrite 1820 into Ableton - Eventide Blackhole, Valhalla Delay, Fabfilter Q3 and L2
I recently sold my beloved Prophet 6 and Pro-3 and picked up a brand new Prophet 5 Rev 4.

I hadn't truly listened to demos of the P5 during my days with the P6 as I wanted to believe they were almost the same....turns out they are not lol

Once the P6 was sold my mind opened up and I listened properly... the differences in these instruments is staggering. They kind of sound similar of course, but when I'm playing with the P5 old horror music sounds just come flooding out of it... I used to have to really search for them on the P6. and the filter tones are just different altogether. Its just feels so much more powerful, beefy, creamy, organic and just sounds so damn good.

No regrets at all about selling the other two and going all in on this one synth.
So everything from here on out on this channel with be pure Prophet 5.

#prophet5 #sequential #sequentialprophet5 #synthesizer #synthesizerhorror #johncarpenter #horrormusicsoundeffect #horrormusicbackground#pro3


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