Lie After Lie!

Описание к видео Lie After Lie!

Good morning, and welcome to Target One Ministries! Today, Pastor Phil is continuing his spiritual warfare series about Victory Over Defeat. Today's message is about the "Lie After Lie" that Satan tells.

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Sermon Outline:

Lie After Lie!
Genesis 3: 1-9
Victory over Defeat Series: Message 2

Genesis 3 is a fundamental chapter to understanding the Gospel. John 3: 3
Fake News: Information designed to purposely mislead.
The world’s biggest liar is Satan. John 8: 44

Discovery # 1: The Devil speaks subtle lies. Genesis 3: 1
Satan will question the Word of God. 2 Timothy 3: 16 and Matthew 4: 7
Satan will question the goodness of God. Psalm 34: 8 and Job 2: 9
Fundamental truths for every believer: God is good and God loves me!

Discovery # 2: The Devil speaks blatant lies. Genesis 3:4
Sin has devastating consequences. Romans 3 :23 and 6: 23
Sin spread to all mankind. Romans 5: 12
The consequences of sin are often delayed. Acts 5 and Matthew 27: 5
We will reap what we sow. Galatians 6: 7-9

Discovery # 3: The Devil uses the twisted lie. Genesis 3: 5
Mix the truth with falsehoods.2 Corinthians 11: 3
Adam and Eve died in their spirit toward the Lord. Genesis 3: 7
Sin will lead you into darkness, degradation and death. 2 Corinthians 4: 4
God wants us to be Christ-like, not independent! Philippians 2: 5 and Romans 8: 29
We have a choice, to follow lies of the Devil or the truth of God.

Come lay your burden down and find salvation.
Matthew 11: 28


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