Описание к видео WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18th 2024

Our Sponsors:
Freson Bros:
Above & Beyond Promotions:
Booster Juice:
Second Cup:

FROM THE YEARBOOK CLUB: Interested in having your photos featured in this year's yearbook? Then make sure to use the uploadit code down below (306960) and input it into the Uploadit App! Please note that no inappropriate submissions will be used.

FROM MR. TONN - Hey legends! Ou winter concert ends tonight! Join us for an evening of festive music featuring the concert bands, jazz band, and drumline! tickets are $5 for students through

FROM THE SSC- Hey legends! We are still collecting clothing donations in front of the office! If you have any winter clothing that you would like to donate towards the bissell center, now is the time to drop it off! Collection will end on December 20th. Thank you!

SIMON: Here’s what's up Legends! Today in the "REC CHECK" we have a big reminder for you. As you know, It's important to be mindful of others using the facility. This is so everyone feels safe and enjoys their time there. If at any time you see something that makes you uncomfortable, or feel unsafe it is not your responsibility to handle it. Simply bring it up with any staff member or your teacher/administrator so that your concerns can be addressed.

FROM THE LSLT: Winter week is here! Catch all the action in the grand staircase this week at lunch! Here is what's happening Legends: today is the Rice Snowman Craft competition, voting will be on Instagram and the winner will take home an LOHS hoodie. Then Thursday is the Snowball Dance, there are only a few tickets left! And lastly, Friday is PJ Day, BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug) for Hot Chocolate and a Band Performance "

Hey legends! Sadly yesterday was our last quizwiz question. Of course that does mean that we have your first spinny wheel to decided which 5 lucky classes get a chance at a spectacular pizza party and is our final quizwiz winner for 2024!

Now how bout we get right into our first spin!

(spin wheel Congrats the winners Mister O, Mister Bartsch, Miss Yin, Miss Kading, Mister Pike)

Kat, Somil, have your teachers been hitting that submit button this month?



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