LP VCF | Manhattan Analog MA35 / Bastl CINNAMON / MI RIPPLES

Описание к видео LP VCF | Manhattan Analog MA35 / Bastl CINNAMON / MI RIPPLES

I made a classic slightly detuned wave patch blending two outputs on Generate 3 and a PWM Pulse from Even VCO with MixMode and used this to compare the filters in my rack. It's not a very methodical video but you might hear something in there you like, or don't like.

It's amazing how different these sound and I found the MA35 and the Cinnamon to have the most sweetspots, albeit at completely different settings. Ripples loses a lot of bottom end when turning the resonance up but I feel it's a good reference as to me it sounds really basic but it has a lot of useful inputs (and that's exactly why I have 2 of them).


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