Star of the Sea » Oil Painting Time-lapse by Tianna Williams

Описание к видео Star of the Sea » Oil Painting Time-lapse by Tianna Williams

Oil painting time-lapse of "Star of the Sea", an original image of Stella Maris by Tianna Williams.

“As mariners are guided into port by the shining of a star, so Christians are guided to [Christ] by Mary.” — St. Thomas Aquinas

I'm sharing this painting at a time when most of the world is going into lockdown mode in response to COVID-19. I couldn't have foreseen these circumstances when I began this painting just a few weeks ago, and yet I now sense the significance of this image for this particular point in history. Emotions are running high as people worry about what will happen to them, to their loved ones who are at risk, to our healthcare systems, to the economy. Catholics all over the world are crying out in dismay as churches are closed and even essential sacraments such as Confession and Baptism are being withheld in an attempt to limit contact between people. I think everyone is justified in feeling a little confused and frightened. Where can we look for protection and guidance?

I look at this image now and I see the tenderness with which Mary safeguards the ship sailing within the folds of her mantle—almost as though she is cradling a newborn baby. The ship, of course, symbolizes the Church. It sails into the sun on peaceful waters, yet it is not clear if the distant storm clouds are approaching or receding.

I have no answers—I don't know if we will soon be heading back towards some semblance of normalcy, or if recent events have been the impetus for more devastating consequences that will reverberate into the unforeseen future. I can only tell you to stay close to our Mother's heart, for she will always guide us to her Son. How she loves her children! Pray pray pray!

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Featured in this video is the piece "Ocean Star", a beautiful re-creation of "Hail Queen of Heaven" by my friend and extremely talented pianist, Joey Leroux.

I struggled for some time to find a song that felt appropriate for this painting, although I sensed that piano would be fitting. My mother-in-law suggested this old hymn, the score for which I found online and plunked out, one note at a time, on her old piano until I had the melody and beautiful lyrics memorized. However, I couldn't find a recorded version that I liked—never mind getting past the red tape that platforms now have around using another artist's music (on that note, if anyone wants to help sponsor a music licensing subscription, I would not be opposed!). But with a printer cable, Garageband, and my computer perched precariously on top of my digital piano, Joey composed this stunning piece in one (ONE!) take. In fact, he gave me *five different versions, each utterly beautiful yet completely unique from the next. In the end, I chose the first version, for I had found myself on the verge of tears several times as I listened to him play it. I hope it moves your heart as much as it moved mine. To me, it is much like this painting—an old devotion made new.

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