Our FIRST ever very short stay at Disney's Wilderness Lodge Boulder Ridge Villa's!

Описание к видео Our FIRST ever very short stay at Disney's Wilderness Lodge Boulder Ridge Villa's!

Welcome to our first ever very short visit to Disney's Wilderness Lodge! We had the privaledge of staying in the Boulder Ridge Villa's which is the DVC side ( Disney Vacation Club )
courtesy of my good friend Cheryl thank you again for lending us some of your points for the night we are so greatful ❤️

This is our morning after Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party visit at Magic KIngdom! While I don't know a whole lot about the resort I can tell you for the short time we were there this resort is beyod beautiful just the vibe, ambiance of this resort is stunning! We got to enjoy the food at Roaring Fork, check out the merch inside the Mercantile, have a look inside the game room they have on property and there is alot to choose from!
Another really cool thing about staying here is the boat ride you get from this resort to Magic Kingdom if you don't want to take the Disney bus.
Even though this resort is very large and huge it is very easy to navigate.
The pool had to be one of my favorite focal points of this resort the fact that the bubbling spring in the lobby runs through to the outside and runs into a waterfall that is then filltered through to the pool is ming blowing and while you are here the geiser that goes off is a must see!

We hope you guys enjoy taking this tour of Disney's Wilderness Lodge with us and we will try to be back to check out the Christmas decor for you and hopefully in the near future have a longer stay so we can really give you guys an in deapth tour. In the meantime enjoy and we will see you real soon! 😊


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