Amethyst Deceiver Mushrooms - Foraging & Cooking

Описание к видео Amethyst Deceiver Mushrooms - Foraging & Cooking

Apparently some species of Laccaria can bioaccumulate Arsenic from the environment and when this happens, eating a large quantity of such mushrooms could expose you to a greater dose of arsenic than is recommended. This effect will vary depending on the soil concentration of arsenic, however, since that is not easy to know without testing, this is a risk you must consider for yourself.

It looks like 2019 might not be the best year for mushrooms in Southern England, due to the very dry summer, but we've had some autumn rains now and a few fungi are appearing...

So let's take a look at the Amethyst Deceiver mushroom - Laccaria amethystina.

The (non-purple) deceiver mushroom is also very common (although I couldn't find one today) - but that fungus really lives up to its name 'deceiver' and is rather more variable in appearance than the Amethyst species - here's more info on the Deceiver mushroom:


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