Story Time on the Back Porch: This Book Can Read your Mind

Описание к видео Story Time on the Back Porch: This Book Can Read your Mind

Join me and my furry friends Lyla and Lilly Belle for this fun story about a book that can read your mind. The book begins with a scientist switching on an incredible new invention—a mind-reading machine! All you need to do is look hard at the book and try to stay still. As he fiddles with the buttons, he tells you it will just need a moment or two to focus. He points out a dial that carefully monitors for any dangerous levels of silliness.

After you accidentally make the pink elephant, then multiple pink elephants, appear, what if the scientist tells you not to think of the elephants on unicycles playing the tuba? Or wearing silly underpants?! Or something even ruder than that…?! As the book continues, and more and more silliness ensues, the scientist is distraught but there is plenty of fun in store for the reader. Written by Susannah Lloyd and illustrated by Jacob Grant.


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