All Space Marine Infantry Squad & Unit Types Explained | Warhammer 40k Lore. Basic Primaris Astartes

Описание к видео All Space Marine Infantry Squad & Unit Types Explained | Warhammer 40k Lore. Basic Primaris Astartes

Should I do more? This is most of the more basic ones.

Reiver, Eradicators, Hellblasters, Infiltrators, Intercessor, Suppressor, Eliminator.
Space marine squad and unit types. Let's start this series, or one full video, I don't know, with the Reaivers. Vanguard reivers. They fill a combination of stealth and shock trooper roles. Not shock as in the classic military definition of tip of the spear soldiers, but scare the pants off the enemy troopers. Terror troops. They travel in squads of 5 or ten, and wear a modified version of the mark 10 phobos armor that's lighter and completely silent for covert ops. Their primary weapon is a bolt carbine that's easy to maneuver but doesn't lose out on firepower. Then a heavy bolt pistol for close encounters, knives, and grenades, including shock grenades. Shock grenades for the shock troops to cause shock in the enemy. Their squad size allows them to operate independantly, and their main mission is to infiltrate an enemy location and then just pop up when they're least expecting it, sowing as much terror as possible. And these skull masks? They're voice amplifiers. They scream at the enemy too, and it works? These tactics can shatter the morale of entire armies, but since they're space marines, they still handle more disciplined enemies by slaughtering them.

Next up on space marine unit types, the incursor. This primaris marine seems really basic. Just a bolter, regular space marine weapons. But their technology is what they bring to the party, which is a weird thing to say about something from the Imperium of man in 40k. But thanks to their divinator class auspax and occulus scopes, they get a ton of battlefield data. Which is then fed to a totally not heretical AI machine spirit that gives them a very nice heads up display that can let them see enemies in darkness, through walls, and enemies about to teleport in. And this totally not AI can read enemy fighting patterns to predict their moves, letting the Incursor shoot or stab where the enemy is going to be. Really cool, but really rare, what with the technology.

Another space marine unit type, the intercessor. Just like the Incursor, this one seems really basic, but in this case, the intercessor is the core space marine unit for Primaris chapters. Between mono-edged combat knives, grenades, and a basic bolt rifle, these troops can fill most short to long range fire support roles. For more flexibility, each of the ten soldiers in a squad can swap out that basic bolter for either an auto bolter, providing higher capacity and higher rates of fire at the expense of range, or a stalker bolt rifle, increasing accuracy and range, acting more like a designated marksman bolter. Two battle brothers in a squad of ten can have Astartes grenade launchers, giving them more long range destructive firepower. While not specialized, this equipment allows the Intercessor to fill a number of defensive and offensive roles well, filling any battlefield need thanks to a balanced lethality and flexibility.

Hellblaster space marine squads. They seem really boring compared to other squads, just basic Primaris, except they have plasma incinirators instead of bolters. But every member of the 10 battle brother squad has one of these anti tank heavy weapons. Some even have heavier or faster firing versions. With the same range as regular bolt rifles, these plasma incinerators are capable of providing heavy fire support at long range. They can do what snipers do without subtlety and turn key high value targets into glass, they can focus fire on the strongest and heaviest armor, and again there are ten of them, so just imagine how devestating it would be if they focused fire. Unfortunatly these guns are rare, making the squads rare with only the best veteran marksmen getting a chance to even hold the powerful plasma incinerators. Like most plasma weapons the ones Hellblasters use can be overcharged for more damage, but at the risk of blowing up the user. Space Marines only use this feature when things look bleak.

Vanguard infiltrator space marines are another Primaris squad unit type that you could easily call basic. While they have even fewer weapon options than the bread and butter intercessor Marines, they often fill two roles: scrambling enemy communications with a fancy omni-scrambler, and providing medical support. While their helix adepts aren't as well trained as dedicated apothecaries, they're able to get marines back into fighting form after some injuries. They also are available to collect the geneseed producing progenoid glands from fallen enemies. What this guy in pariah nexus was trying to do. Despite the covert sounding infiltrator designation, they aren't really used in that fashion beyond carrying smoke grenades and scopes that can see through smoke.


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