Alert: My Experience with My Tiny Home Kit

Описание к видео Alert: My Experience with My Tiny Home Kit

In his final months, my beloved father, knowing he had only a short time left, generously offered to help secure a future for me and my three kids. He lent us $28,325.00 to invest in what we thought would be a beautiful, sustainable tiny home from My Tiny Home Kit. Inspired by Spencer Porter's vision, we envisioned a safe, cozy place to call our own.Sadly, our excitement turned into a prolonged nightmare. After the payment, what followed was a string of unmet promises and unreturned calls. No plans, no home—just the lingering stress and financial strain on my family. As I pay back this significant amount, I am left with a huge debt that continues to burden us, with nothing to show for his final wish.This post isn't just about our loss but a call to awareness for all. We've heard similar stories from many others, and it’s time to highlight the pattern. We trusted someone who used his personal story to gain sympathy and credibility, only to leave us with empty pockets and broken promises.Let’s spread the word and ensure no more families go through this ordeal. Your share could save someone’s hard-earned money.#TinyHomeScam #ConsumerAwareness #ScamAlert #RealStories


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