Days to Waste | whisper

Описание к видео Days to Waste | whisper

forget me when the summer ends

Was it just me
Cause I looked through the photos and couldn’t remember a thing
Was it just you
Cause I swear I remember the way that your love would sting

And all along we always felt that way
And to be honest I was never made for you
You always promised you would keep me safe
When after all the only safety was the truth

Take me back
Turn my memories to ash
Set a fire to my past
And burn away
All the pieces that I had
Every breath I won’t get back
All the little things I’ve lost along the way

Is it just me
Or is something terribly wrong when I drift to sleep
Is it just you
Or do all of the walls in my room whisper to me

And all along I always felt that way
I always knew that you had never felt the same
I know it seemed like I was miles away
While you were laying right next to me

Take me back
Turn my memories to ash
Set a fire to my past
And burn away
All the pieces that I had
Every breath I won’t get back
All the little things I’ve lost along the way

Take me back
Turn my memories to ash
Set a fire to my past
And burn away


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