MTG Infinite Combo: Inalla, Archmage Ritualist + Changeling Berserker + Ashnod's Altar

Описание к видео MTG Infinite Combo: Inalla, Archmage Ritualist + Changeling Berserker + Ashnod's Altar

Get Infinite ETB triggers, infinite mana, and infinite hastey creature tokens with this combo for your Inalla edh deck.

The three pieces:
- Inalla, Archmage Ritualist
- Changeling Berserker
- Ashnod's Altar
- Any other wizard on the battlefield

How the Combo Works:
1. Set-Up: Have Inalla, Archmage Ritualist in the command zone or battlefield. Have Ashnod's Altar in the battlefield as well as one other wizard, preferably one with a good ETB effect.

2. Cast Changeling Berserker, championing the wizard on the battlefield.

3. Use Inalla to pay 1, create a token copy of Changeling Berserker. Champion the original Changeling Berserker with the token.

4. Let this all resolve. The original wizard will enter the battlefield and do it's ETB effect.

5. Use Inalla to pay 1, create a token copy of the original wizard. Let the ETB effect resolve if you'd like, or continue to the next step.

6. Sacrifice the Changeling Berserker token to Ashnod's Altar. The original Changeling Berserker comes back into play, and you can champion the wizard on the battlefield.

7. Repeat for infinite hastey tokens, infinite ETB effects, and infinite mana. For infinite mana, simply forgo creating some of the wizard token copies, thereby spending only 1 mana to copy the Changeling Berserker per combo cycle.

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