The Picture of Health: A Pro-Consumer Blueprint for Health Care Payment and Delivery Reform

Описание к видео The Picture of Health: A Pro-Consumer Blueprint for Health Care Payment and Delivery Reform

Five national organizations — Families USA, National Partnership for Women and Families, American Heart Association, National Consumers League, and Third Way — have joined forces to develop a consumer centered policy agenda that shifts America’s health care payment and delivery system away from the inefficiencies of fee-for-service and toward population-based economics. This webinar explored the following recommended policy priorities:

• Improve health outcomes by changing payment incentives to improve health, reduce inequities, and prioritize the delivery of high-value care over volume of services.

• Strengthen primary care, behavioral health, and long-term care systems by investing in services that keep people healthy, address chronic illness, and prevent the need to use more expensive care settings.

• Ensure strong patient protections and guardrails in health care payment systems to ensure medically underserved, chronically ill, and disabled patients have full and complete access to high-quality, culturally-congruent care and services.

• Establish national data-sharing, interoperability, and quality measurement standards, to reduce waste, enable real-time coordination of services across health sectors, and drive meaningful improvements in health equity and health outcomes.

• Promote healthy competition in U.S. health care markets to support meaningful access to affordable, high-quality, and culturally-congruent care and services.

• Improve consumer and other stakeholder access to meaningful information about treatment options, quality of care, patient experience, and cost to enable effective decision-making, and improve consumer and community input into the design, implementation, and evaluation of policies and programs.


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