
Описание к видео 【如何建立“讲话”的秩序?】6个建议帮你建立“不乱讲话”的班级|创意方法让学生懂得倾听|做分享的n种方式|如何运用奖励机制巩固秩序?

00:00 - Intro
01:04 - 为什么学生总是有讲不完的话?
02:05 - 1.列出不能讲话的情况,并说明原因
03:49 - 2.每一天都要给每一个学生足够的时间做分享
05:39 - 3.用有创意的方法让孩子不要讲话
06:30 - 4.给学生缓冲时间把想讲的话讲完
07:40 - 5.布置任务的时候要告诉学生做完以后可以做什么
08:31 - 6.运用奖励机制加强学生的正向行为
09:44 - 结束语

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感谢你在万千博主中发现了我,关于我 About me~

我是Lucy,海滨小城山东威海是我的家乡,18岁留美,本科就读于密歇根州立大学,主修基础教育英语语言文学方向,MSU教育学院连续26年蝉联全美第一,世界第二仅次于哈佛大学,我以作为一名Spartan骄傲。现居住于美国明尼苏达州,在中文浸入式学校教授一年级。我妈说当我在跟她讲述孩子、教学的时候,眼睛里是有光的,由此开始Youtuber生涯。生活中我喜欢旅行、写手账、读书、烘焙、跳拉丁舞、以及健身。我喜爱韩愈在《师说》当中讲到的:师者,传道受业解惑也。育人,教书同等重要。Lucy、 Loves、 Teaching,我最喜爱的是Loves,爱让所有执着变得值得,与君共勉。

Hey teachers! My name is Lucy. I grew up in a very small coastal city Weihai, Shandong, China. I came to U.S. when I was 18, studying Elementary Education, specialized in English Language Art at Michigan State University. The College of Education has been ranked #1 in the nation for 26 consecutive years, and now MSU is ranked #2 in the world for education. I am so proud of being a Spartan. Go Green! I live in Minnesota, working as a first grade teacher in a Chinese Immersion School. My mom said she can see stars in my eyes while I am talking about teaching and kids, which inspires me to start this channel Lucy Loves Teaching. Other than teaching, I like traveling, bullet journals, reading, baking, ballroom dancing, and work out! I agree with Han Yu’s saying: A teacher should passes down the Dao, imparts professional knowledge, and resolves doubt. Lucy, Loves, Teaching, my favorite is Loves, because love makes all efforts worthwhile. Hope my channel encourage you all.
I upload every Wednesday and Sunday.


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