Baby Elephant | Separated from family | Lost, distressed & rejected | Savage Season (2013)

Описание к видео Baby Elephant | Separated from family | Lost, distressed & rejected | Savage Season (2013)

Information regard Ownership and Copyright of this video:

"Savage Season" - Copyright © 2013 by Tier Images, LLC, all rights reserved. This documentary was produced by Panthera Productions (Dallas, TX) upon commissioning by Discovery Channel. The video was filmed on location in South Africa.

View the full documentary "Savage Season" here:    • Видео  


** WARNING: Sensitive content. Viewer discretion is advised **

This excerpt is posted for educational purposes and not because I have a fascination with watching helpless infant animals become increasingly distressed. I realise from past comments on this video, and comments I have witnessed on other videos on other channels, that there are people who do like to watch these kinds of scenes. I make no public judgement on what your fascinations maybe, but all I ask is that comments/questions remain tasteful and intelligent, please.

This excerpt from the full-length feature documentary does contain footage of a graphic nature. To assist you with making a decision with regards to watching this video, below is a brief summary of contents which supports the viewer warning:

The video contains scenes which depict the abandonment and subsequent displays of rejection experienced by a baby elephant (calf) who seeks comfort and acceptance from an Elephant heard he meets, but who is not his family. This scene was filmed in Northern Botswana during a particularly harsh drought which is believed to have been a major contributor to the lack of success the calf had with being able to effectively be adopted by a heard that is not his family. Elephants are highly intelligent and family orientated animals who frequently adopt lost or orphaned calves they come across in their travels. Throughout the day that this clip was filmed, the confusion and distress of the obviously confused and frightened baby elephant are very evident. Unfortunately, the incident comes to a conclusion once the calf is discovered by a hyena pack. The hyenas quickly realise the calf is not attached to any heard and therefore lacks protections. From then, his demise is brutal but swift.



As stated previously, this clip is an excerpt from a feature documentary titled "Savage Season".

This clip follows the last 12 to 24 hours of a single elephant calf who has been separated from his family and is desperate to find them. Due to their high intelligence, it is hoped that he may be adopted by one of the other various elephant herds that visit the waterhole during the day, however, this is not to be.

Once it is discovered by predators that a defenceless elephant calf is solo and lacking any protection, his brutal demise is all but guaranteed.

Although this clip does not have a happy ending, it is a fascinating look into attitudes and behaviours of these wonderfully intelligent wild creatures. Without humanising the behaviours of this little lost soul, it's plainly obvious that he goes through many similar stages to what a lost human might go through in a similar situation.


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