SHERPA and NOOK ~ Huskies Last playdate ~ Dogs just chillin

Описание к видео SHERPA and NOOK ~ Huskies Last playdate ~ Dogs just chillin

Helloo Nook here .. This iz notz a sad video, cuz I didunt know then, thatz I would never see Sherpa again .. This wuz our last playdate, Sherpa wuz a bit quiet, cuz he had hadz lotz ov hiz teefz out .. so he couldz only suck sausagez and soft treaties, hehe ... I will miss my Uncle Sherpa, I hopez he iz causing mayhem over the Rainbow Bridge ... I willz see him again one day, butz not yet I hopez ... hehe ... love Nook ...^;^...x
This video was done and ready to go out on the day that Sherpa died ... We stopped it, as we were too sad, but here it is now, with a few adjustments :) x


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