F15E Quick Guide - Switching TWS Modes, Lock&unlock targets, Pilot&WSO Keybinds

Описание к видео F15E Quick Guide - Switching TWS Modes, Lock&unlock targets, Pilot&WSO Keybinds

In this quick tutorial I give you an overview on how to use the Track Wile Scan Modes in the new F15E Strike Eagle for DCS World. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about switching modes, when to use which mode, locking targets and shooting them down. As always you can find the key binds below and also mentioned during the video. Let me know in the comments which part I should cover next. Please take note that this guide only touches the surface of this complex topic and is aimed to get you started and interested to dive deeper into the mechanics of the F15E.

Stay tuned and have fun fighting multiple targets at once in the F15E!


You will find all the listed key binds quickly when you type “Hotas” in the search bar of the controls panel. The information in [ ] is the exact category where you find the key bind, I also try to match this setup when I bind it to my Hotas. The key bind listed have the exact wording like in dcs, so you can copy them to search, the description behind the “-“ is only a explanation and should not be copied .

Weapon release (Pickle) [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Fire your ordnance like missiles or bombs
Trigger [Control Stick, Hotas] - Shoot your gun, when selected
TDC Slew [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Slew your cursor on the Radar, TGP etc. You can also bind it with axis.
TDC Press [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Lock the target your cursor is hovering over or conduct Mini Raster Scan
Radar Antenna Elevation UP [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Increase your Radar scan ceiling
Radar Antenna Elevation DOWN [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Decrease your Radar scan ceiling
Castle Switch LEFT [Control Stick, Hotas] - Hold (1-2 sec) long to make the left MFD SOI (Sensor of Interest), take control of Radar
Weapons/Mode Switch FWD (MRM) [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Select Medium Range Missiles like Aim-7 Sparrow and Aim-120 Amraam
Weapons/Mode Switch CNT (SRM) [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Select Short Range Missiles like Sidewinder
Weapons/Mode Switch AFT (GUN) [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Select Gun
Coolie Switch LEFT [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Hold (1-2 sec) to start IFF interrogation (Dots on Radar are friendly!)
Boat Switch FWD [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Cycle between Weapons/Stations when in any weapon mode
Boat Switch AFT [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Undesignate a target
CMD Switch DOWN (Manual 1 Dispense) [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Dispense Program 1 of countermeasures
CMD Switch UP (Manual 2 Dispense) [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Dispense Program 2 of coundermeasures
Auto Acquisition Switch AFT [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Switch to 2TWSH Mode while having an STT lock, Mini Raster Scan
Auto Acquisition Switch FWD [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Switch to 3HDT Mode wile having STT lock, Mini Raster Scan or in TWS
Auto Acquisition Switch FWD [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Hold to switch to 2HDT in STT, Mini Raster or TWS
Auto Acquisition Switch PRESS [Throttle Quadrant, Hotas] - Return to Search mode/Break lock

WSO only:

HC Trigger Full Action [Right Hand Controller] - Lock the target your cursor is hovering over or conduct Mini Raster Scan
Caste Switch DOWN [Control Stick, Hotas] - Cycle Primary Target in TWS
Caste Switch LEFT [Control Stick, Hotas] - Undesignate Target while hovering over it in TWS
AAI Switch FWD [Right Hand Controller] - Hold to start an IFF Interrogation

0:00 Intro
0:24 Switch Radar: On
0:27 Switch Master Arm: On
0:30 Make Radar SOI
0:37 IFF
0:55 Switch to TWS (2TWSH)
1:23 Lock Target
1:36 Primary Target Indication, PDT
1:41 Secondary Target Indication, SDT
1:46 Undesignate Target
1:54 Cycle PDT
2:11 Shoot Missiles in TWS
2:27 Leave TWS
2:36 TWS Modes introduction
3:40 2TWSH, Wide Pattern Mode
4:00 4TWSH, Medium Pattern Mode
4:32 3HDT, High Rate Mode 3
4:54 2HDT, High Rate Mode 2
5:10 Narrow scan Mode
5:53 Target Sampling
6:19 TWS Auto Lock
6:47 Closure
7:06 Outro

#DCSWorld #F15ETutorial #CombatFlightSimulation


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