The Dragon that made Aemond & Vhagar Flee Dragonstone

Описание к видео The Dragon that made Aemond & Vhagar Flee Dragonstone

In the last episode which was titled The Red Sowing, which was infamously named as such due to the sowing of the dragonseeds, with many dozens of Targaryen bastards trying to claim the unclaimed dragons and the many deaths that occurred due to this event. The ending of it saw a visible shift in the balance of power between the Blacks and the Greens, with the unclaimed Targaryen dragons Vermithor and Silverwing now ridden by Hugh Hammer and Ulf White respectively. These two dragons were large and old, each being half the age of Vhagar and with Vermithor alone being almost as large as the Green death.
Immediately after the Red sowing ended, The Blacks under Rhaenyra’s command sent forth one of the recently claimed dragons to assert their dominance over the skies, sending Silverwing and Ulf to soar over King’s Landing in a display of sheer might and defiance against mainly Aemond and his dragon Vhagar.
Until then, Dragonstone, the Blacks’ stronghold, was under the deterrence of Syrax and the smaller dragons Vermax and Moondancer. Aemond knew he had to be cautious to avoid an ambush while planning his raid in the forseeable future.
So, Driven by rage and a desire to crush the Blacks' spirit, Aemond decided to pursue Silverwing, hoping to catch her and her rider Ulf White unawares during their return to Dragonstone. As Vhagar swiftly took flight in order to catch up with Silverwing, quickly passing over the blackwater bay and approaching Dragonstone itself, Aemond realized something was amiss. It was during this pursuit that Aemond's blood ran cold.


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