My Final Grades at Imperial College London

Описание к видео My Final Grades at Imperial College London

The value of 3 years of work decided in 7.5 minutes. University has been a real journey for myself, I spent most of the first year at imperial college London wanting to drop out, before battling through second year before finding myself falling In love with working in the lab in my 3rd. However after receiving a 3rd in my first year and 2.2 in my second I had left myself with an uphill battle. And although not quite a college decision reaction in this video I discuss what I think the meaning of university is and why my final grade isn't the be and end all. What my next moves are going to be and if I will be pursuing a masters and PhD. The feelings of life after university, but also the importance of perseverance, sticking at it and falling promises to yourself. Plus much much more.

I hope you find this video interesting and If you have nay questions feel free to leave them in the comments below, plus please let me know what type of videos you want to see going forward.
Have a great day


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