Paul Köhler: Streaming with Serverpod

Описание к видео Paul Köhler: Streaming with Serverpod

Streaming live updates to your users using the capabilities of serverpod backend framework. I will give a short overview of the required parts, how it works and show a few common pitfalls.

About the speaker
Since my youth, when I programmed my first websites at 14, I have been fascinated by the world of coding. This passion has stayed with me through the years and made me the expert I am today.

I guide new applications from the first thought to the first release and beyond. From small applications to complex projects with multiple developers, I have the experience and knowledge to make your project a success.

Since 2019, I have been working with Flutter, a versatile technology for mobile apps, desktop apps and web apps. I offer not only technical implementation, but also design and, if desired, team management.

Work Ethic
For me, clean code, forward-thinking solutions and the best possible outcome for my clients are always at the forefront. I focus on strong communication, regular feedback and continuous development.

Whether I'm leading a team technically and socially or integrating into an existing team, the human aspect is just as important to me. Openness and the pursuit of excellence characterize the way I work. In doing so, I always pay attention to the principle: perfect is the greatest enemy of done.


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