Premature greying| how to tackle

Описание к видео Premature greying| how to tackle

▪️Premature greying in a common complaint today. Greying is late 20’s and 30’s do not qualify as premature greying. You can expect few grey hair starting from your late 20’s.
In mid 30’s to late 30’s it becomes more prominent.

▪️There are certain nutritional deficiencies which could be causing lightening to hair colour. Protein energy malnutrition can cause hair to become light brown in colour. It usually corrects itself once the deficiency is addressed.

▪️Though Darkenyl gained a lot of momentum initially, the results were not promising.

▪️Managing stress, leading a healthy lifestyle and taking balanced diet may help in slowing the process of greying but once grey, the hair cannot reverse back.

👩‍⚕️it is best to consult a physician personally before starting any oral supplements.

⚠️Disclaimer: Content provided on this Instagram handle is for informational purposes only. This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Information on this Instagram handle should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a qualified dermatologist . Please consult with a physician or dermatologist regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options.

#prematuregreying #greyhair #dermatologist


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