
Описание к видео 今夜有戏:许亚军年轻时超出常人的帅,遭遇热情女粉丝求拥抱

《爱情保卫战》中青年男女在恋爱过程中遇到的各种困惑与矛盾搬上舞台,每期3对在爱情道路上面临抉择的真实情侣,双方通过交流、沟通与争辩把各自内心的痛苦与困惑全盘托出。精彩综艺,欢迎订阅及转发!“Love defense”All kinds of puzzles and contradictions encountered by young men and women in the process of love came onto the stage 3 pairs of real couples facing choices on the road of love in each issue Through exchanges, communication and arguments, both sides have fully revealed their inner pain and confusion .Wonderful variety show,Welcome to subscribe and forward!


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