Twins《Long Long Ago(英)》[MV]

Описание к видео Twins《Long Long Ago(英)》[MV]

TWINS 現已登陸 iTunes | NOW available on iTunes :


Tell me the tales that to me once so dear
Long long ago -- long long ago,
Sing me the songs I delighted to hear,
Long long ago, long ago.
* Now you have come all my grief is removed.
Let me forget just as long as I could
Let me believe that you always be near.
Long long ago -- long ago*
Do you remember that path where we met
Long long ago, long long ago.
Ah, yes you told me you'll never forget.
Long long ago, long ago.
Into our love is my smile your prefer
Laugh when you spoke with a joy to each word.
Still my heart treasures the praises I heard
Long long ago, long ago.
(Repeat *)

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