Unity tutorial: AR Indoor Navigation with Vuforia Engine - Localisation & Navigation

Описание к видео Unity tutorial: AR Indoor Navigation with Vuforia Engine - Localisation & Navigation

This 2nd tutorial covers localisation and navigation with multiple Area Targets (point clouds). We created the Vuforia Area Targets via Matterportport API using a Matterport Pro2 camera and the Vuforia Area Target Creater app on iPad Pro 12.9" 2020. For navigation we use the Navigation system of Unity.

Other tutorials:    • AR Indoor Navigation Tutorials  

Content of this video:
Localisation with multiple Area Targets
Navigation with NavMesh, showing line and arrows

0:00 Introduction
0:45 Why NavMash and not A*
1:19 Localisation with multiple Area Targets
3:23 World Center Mode Device example
4:46 Localisation Challenges & Solutions
6:48 Navigation Challenges & Solutions
8:47 Unity Navigation System
9:35 Preparing NavMesh for Navigation
10:53 NavMesh Obstacles example
11:05 Preparing NavMeshAgent for Navigation
13:34 NavMeshAgent settings example
15:49 Possible solution for imperfect Area Targets
19:35 Navigating user with line and arrows
20:34 Navigation line example
21:24 Script to show navigation line and arrows
23:14 Script: Calculate Path
24:39 Script: Pin at destination
25:11 Script Draw the path
25:40 Script: Show arrow
26:51 Script: Look back to line arrow
27:11 Navigation with multiple Area Targets
28:35 Continuation of tutorial and project

Useful links of this video:
Render path of NavMeshAgent: https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/que...
Render NavMesh: https://blog.terresquall.com/2020/07/...
Show back to line Unity Asset: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages...

Other useful links:
Unity NavMesh System: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/nav-N...
NavMeshComponents: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies...
How to create & use Area Targets: https://library.vuforia.com/features/...
Vuforia Fusion: https://library.vuforia.com/articles/...
App translation in German, English, French: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com...
Occlusion: https://discussions.unity.com/t/can-i...

The project was my colleagues and my Bachelor of Science in Medical Informatics thesis. The prototype was implemented in the college building of the Medical Informatics study course at the Bern University of Applied Sciences. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic we could not implement it in the hospital. Our vision is to improve way finding in hospitals to support health personell at their working space and patients. Paper available in German on ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publicat...

Demo of our app:    • Indoor Navigation with Augmented Real...  

For more information please leave a comment below or contact me on LinkedIn:   / joshua-drewlow  

Happy coding :)


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