Leanne Simpson’s Public Lecture: “As We Have Always Done”

Описание к видео Leanne Simpson’s Public Lecture: “As We Have Always Done”

Leanne Simpson’s Public Lecture: “As We Have Always Done”
Thursday, December 6, 2018, 4:30 pm
Isabel Bader Theatre, 93 Charles Street West
Centre for Comparative Literature
University of Toronto, Canada

The Northrop Frye Professor in Literary Theory is selected annually, to bring innovative comparative scholars to deliver one or two public lectures to the University of Toronto community, offer workshops and seminars at the Centre for Comparative Literature, and meet with faculty and students.

Leanne Betasamosake Simpson is a renowned Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg scholar, writer and artist, who has been widely recognized as one of the most compelling Indigenous voices of her generation. Her work breaks open the intersections between politics, story and song—bringing audiences into a rich and layered world of sound, light, and sovereign creativity.

Working for over a decade an independent scholar using Nishnaabeg intellectual practices, Leanne has lectured and taught extensively at universities across Canada and has twenty years experience with Indigenous land based education. She holds a PhD from the University of Manitoba, is currently a Distinguished Visiting Scholar in the Faculty of Arts at Ryerson University and faculty at the Dechinta Centre for Research & Learning in Denendeh. Leanne’s books are regularly used in courses across Canada and the United States including Dancing on Our Turtle’s Back, The Gift Is in the Making, Lighting the Eighth Fire (editor), This Is An Honour Song (editor with Kiera Ladner) and The Winter We Danced (Kino-nda-niimi editorial collective). Her latest book, As We Have Always Done: Indigenous Freedom Through Radical Resistance was published by the University of Minnesota Press in the fall of 2017, and was awarded Best Subsequent Book by the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association.

The Centre for Comparative Literature at the University of Toronto offers M.A. and Ph.D. programs of study in every major area from medieval to contemporary literature with particular emphasis on literary theory and criticism. The range of languages, literatures and special resources available at the University of Toronto enables students of Comparative Literature to explore literary achievements in a vast spectrum of national and linguistic traditions, while the Centre’s strong emphasis on modern literary theory gives their studies critical and methodological coherence.

For more info, please visit our website at: http://complit.utoronto.ca/


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