4k视频采集卡 圆刚GC553 开箱+手把手教你PS4在YouTube游戏直播 AVerMedia GC553 Unboxing and setting

Описание к видео 4k视频采集卡 圆刚GC553 开箱+手把手教你PS4在YouTube游戏直播 AVerMedia GC553 Unboxing and setting

上一次使用PS4PRO内置的Youtube直播失败 赶紧购入视频采集卡 由于这个采集卡使用教程很少 六成自己摸索最后成功 把过程和方法分享给大家 希望大家直播成功!
The last time I failed to use PS4PRO's built-in Youtube live broadcast, I quickly bought a video capture card because there were very few tutorials for this capture card, and I found out how to share the process and methods with you. I hope you will be successful in live broadcast.


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