FFXIV Endwalker (6.05): Machinist Rotation Showcase

Описание к видео FFXIV Endwalker (6.05): Machinist Rotation Showcase

This is a recording of an 8 minute Machinist rotation with potion used at 2 and 8 minutes, which is done for fights shorter than 9:30 min. the pot timing doesn't affect the actual rotation, but there are some very small details one needs to consider when wanting build up to using a potion such as making sure queen is summoned at 100 battery and ideally having a stack of gauss round and ricochet ready without overcapping them during HC.

I am using the standard opener and rotation from the Balance Discord: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachment...

DO NOTE: The potion before the 8 minute mark should have come 1 gcd later and the Reassemble in turn would have been used after Air Anchor on the Drill.

Ignore the dps meter as this is a rotation and not a dps showcase. Machinists with better gear will get higher numbers as illustrated by this equation: More gear = higher number

Music used:    • Trauma (Worakls Remix)  


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