Measurement Error | Chapter 10 | Badi H Baltagi | Panel Data | Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data

Описание к видео Measurement Error | Chapter 10 | Badi H Baltagi | Panel Data | Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data

0:01 Introduction
1:08 What is measurement error.
2:10 Measurement error question
2:42 What is measurement error
3:00 What is a survey data
3:40 What is the CPS Data Set
3:50 What data we have in CPS data.
4:35 What are survey Data Problems
7:20 What is measurement error
8:34 What is classical measurement error
9:08 What are the 4 cases of measurement error
14:42 How do you figure out bet a hat is unbiased and efficient
15:20 How do you know beta hat is consistent or not
14:29 What are the four assumptions in regression (4 regression assumptions)
16:53 First assumption of regression
17:14 Second Assumption: Homoskedasticity
17:24 Third Assumption: Auto correlation
19:23 Variance of beta hat
20:34 Case 1 Wage and education are ok
21:16 Case 2 Wage is not ok education is ok : Second moment problem, minor problem, beta hat is ok.
21:53 Case 3 Wage is OK education is not ok : First moment and major probl. Endogenous problem with x and u.
36:36 Cas 4: Both y and x are not ok.
36:40 What do you expect for OLS to happen if both x and y have errors.
37:52 Which one would you fix if you have both first and second-moment problems
40:46 Stata Example
45: 44 If x contains extensive data, does it solve the measurement problem
46:00 OLS Bias
50:12 Measurement error in panel data
53:10 Griliches and Hausman
55:04 Griliches and Hausman original paper
56:56 Stata Example




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