Meet The Writer✏️ (Richard Smallwood)

Описание к видео Meet The Writer✏️ (Richard Smallwood)

Pretty much impossible to focus on one particular song when the person you're speaking with has written SO MANY classics. If you were to ask 10 people what their favorite Richard Smallwood song is you would most likely get 30 different answers lol and that's a testament to just how many great songs he has penned over the years. My personal favs include Praise Waiteth, Holy, Thank You, ok let me stop because I myself have about 20 personal favs! Please show him some love in the comments. He shared so much wisdom in this interview and I pray it blesses you as much as it blessed me. He will forever be the Presiding Quadrupled ArchBishop of Sacred Melodies and Musicalities in my eyes #MeetTheWriter #RichardSmallwood #LivingLegend #IFeltThat


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