Project EQUINOX — Ultima Weapon Showcase

Описание к видео Project EQUINOX — Ultima Weapon Showcase

Now, this might come as a bit of a question mark for some of you guys. Riku already had a functional Formchange for Oathkeeper, why change it? Well, the answer to that is... Oathkeeper was kind of a question mark for us way back when Equinox 2.5 was being developed. The fact that he ended up with a Roxas-based Formchange at all was kind of a happy accident. And sure, Riku using Roxas' moveset is cool... but there was an idea and an opportunity here to change it into a moveset that's a little more fitting for Riku. A light-based moveset inspired by his Limit attack in KH2: Eternal Session.

I hope you guys like this, because this was... kind of a pain to get working.


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