UPSC Strategy For Preparation of Optional Paper| Naveen Rattu| AIR 776| BPDO(PCS)|

Описание к видео UPSC Strategy For Preparation of Optional Paper| Naveen Rattu| AIR 776| BPDO(PCS)|

Comprehensive Strategy For Preparation of Optional Paper | Upsc Topper | Naveen Rattu|

Mr. Naveen Rattu, AIR 776of Civil Services Examination 2019. He is the resident of Jalandhar (Punjab) and completed his B. Tech. He is also cleared state public service commission and worked as BPDO in Ludhiana.

He has discussed the UPSC Prelims Strategy, also discussed mains Answer writing, Current affairs preparation , Optional discussion(History), and the UPSC CSE Interview experience .

This interview will be helpful for all the UPSC CSE beginners .

#upscexam #civilservices #NCERTFORCIVILSERVICES #UPSC2019Topper


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