BEST Fishing Videos of 2019 by Tiefsa

Описание к видео BEST Fishing Videos of 2019 by Tiefsa

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Here's a collection of my best fishing videos of 2019

5. The Lake Trout - My buddies Harley and Marshall took me out onto Lake Michigan out of Port Washington on a fishing trip. We caught several fish including this Lake Trout I reeled in. It was the first laker I've ever caught! By the way, all of these videos are freshwater fishing trips.

4. The Burbot - This slimy fish has many names. It is also called an Eelpout, a Lawyer, and a Lingcod. This was my first time catching a burbot, but I have been fishing for burbot many times. I was in Port Washington in the Harbor and was able to catch one using cut bait, specifically I was fishing with cut up chunks of smelt.

3. The Lake Sturgeon - I went fishing for shovel nose sturgeon, but I ended up catching the bigger relative, the lake sturgeon. I was using some dead minnows on the bottom of the river, the Wisconsin River to be specific. I was fishing below the last dam on the Wisconsin River.

2. The King Salmon - I didn't intend to go fishing for king salmon. I actually went on this trip hoping to catch a smallmouth bass, but instead, a chinook salmon (that's the other name for a king salmon) bit the crawfish lure I was using. I caught this fish in the Milwaukee River in the town of Grafton, Wisconsin.

1. My favorite fishing catch of the year was the gar. I'd been trying to catch a gar for years. I'd tried several methods as well. I finally got one to bite a nylon rope lure I was using. This gar is called a long nose gar. There are a lot of them in the Wisconsin River, but they are hard to catch! I finally got one though!

My Filming Gear
GoPro Hero3 -
Sony Handycam -

**The links above all take you to Amazon, and they are affiliate links. This means if you click on an Amazon link, and then you buy something, I get a small percentage of the sale. Thanks for supporting my fishing habit!**

David Tiefenthaler, otherwise known as "Tiefsa"

Thanks for watching. Fish on!

David Tiefenthaler a.k.a. Tiefsa


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