Planting Specifics for Cannabis Autoflowers Outdoors

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Planting Specifics for Cannabis Autoflowers Outdoors

Professor DeBacco

Autoflower Clones?
Since autoflowers flower based on days old, there are no clones available so growers must use seeds.

Feminized Seed is Advised
While the field should still be scouted for male plants starting with feminized seed will help vastly reduce the number of male plants to reduce the amount of wasted plants.
If non feminized (dioecious) seed is used than 50% of the plants stared with can be male reducing field density by half.

How Long From Seed to Harvest?
Can be variety dependent so be sure to check with the specific type you are planting.
Typical range is 68 to 95 days with 75 days being the average.

How Many Plants Per Acre?
Typical plant densities are 11,000 to 18,000 plants

Suggested Plant Spacing…
If planting in rows this would equate to about 222 plants in a 100ft. X 5ft. bed

Autoflowers Not Photoperiod Dependent
Since autoflowers will flower based on days old this can offer growers some more flexibility when it comes to planting date.
However, the climate and frost free days should be the driving force when it comes to selecting the growing season.

In General Autoflowers…
Will produce smaller plants (and yield)
Grow quickly
Can not be cloned
Do not require pruning or training
Thought to be more resilient to stressful growing conditions

Flower Biomass
General flower biomass categories…

Link to Lecture Slides:

420 Magazine Source Content by Slide Title:
Autoflower Clones
Feminized Seed is Advised
In General Autoflowers

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