How to play 3 2 5 CARD GAME for 3 players in Hindi | सीखो 5 मिनटों में, कैसे खेलते है

Описание к видео How to play 3 2 5 CARD GAME for 3 players in Hindi | सीखो 5 मिनटों में, कैसे खेलते है

Fun card game for 3 players, for Kids as well Adults. So let's learn, how to play 3 2 5 card game in Hindi. 3 2 5 कैसे खेलते है इस video में बहुत ही आसान तरीक़े से बताया गया हैं।
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#3PlayerCardGame #325CardGame #KeepPlaying
Now, let's learn how to play Tin Do Panch card game

Rules of the game are simple:
1. Each player becomes the dealer one by one.
2. The dealer has to make 2 tricks, the next person (who chooses the trump) 5, and the third 3.
3. The first set of 5 cards are distributed to each player. The person next to the dealer chooses a trump suit. After the trump is chosen rest of the cards are distributed.
4. Game is started by the player whose chooses trump. On each trick, the highest of the led suit wins unless it is trumped. You can play a trump if you don't have a suit which is in progression.
5. If you don't make the required number of tricks in the current round, then other players get to pull that many cards from you in the next round.

Watch the video till the end for better understanding.


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