Intro to Software Architecture Concepts in 3 minutes

Описание к видео Intro to Software Architecture Concepts in 3 minutes

Operational data Data used for the operation of the business, including sales, transactional data, inventory, and so on.
This type of data is defined as Online Transactional Processing (OLTP), which typically involves inserting, updating, and deleting data in a database.

Analytical data Data used by data scientists and other business analysts for predictions, trending, and other business intelligence. This data is typically not transactional and often not relational

A Bounded Context is a logical boundary of a domain where particular terms and rules apply consistently

Architectural Decision Records (ADRs).One of the most effective ways of documenting architecture decision An ADR consists of a short text file (usually one to two pages long) describing a specific architecture decision.
Contains context(description of the problem and list of alternative solutions)
Decision and consequesnces

Architectural fitness function An architect implements fitness functions to build protections around unexpected change in architecture characteristics.
. Thus, an architect can find measurable characteristics that contribute to agility: deployability, testability, cycle time, and so on
Fitness functions validate architecture characteristics, not domain criteria; unit tests are the opposite. Thus, an architect can decide whether a fitness function or unit test is needed by asking the question: “Is any domain knowledge required to execute this test?” If the answer is “yes,” then a unit/function/user acceptance test is appropriate; if “no,” then a fitness function is needed.

databaselayered architecture

NetArchTest allows tests for platform

a service is a cohesive collection of functionality deployed as an independent executable.
Two artifacts (including services) are coupled if a change in one might require a change in the other to maintain proper functionality.

Synchronous communication
Two artifacts communicate synchronously if the caller must wait for the response before proceeding.

Asynchronous communication
Two artifacts communicate asynchronously if the caller does not wait for the response before proceeding. Optionally, the caller can be notified by the receiver through a separate channel when the request has completed.

Orchestrated coordination
A workflow is orchestrated if it includes a service whose primary responsibility is to coordinate the workflow.

Choreographed coordination
A workflow is choreographed when it lacks an orchestrator; rather, the services in the workflow share the coordination responsibilities of the workflow.

We use the term contract broadly to define the interface between two software parts, which may encompass method or function calls, integration architecture remote calls, dependencies, and so on. Anywhere two pieces of software join, a contract is involved.

Software architecture” is the stuff you can’t Google answers for.

ATAM Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method

Find what parts are entangled together.

Analyze how they are coupled to one another.

Assess trade-offs by determining the impact of change on interdependent systems.

static coupling describes how services are wired together, whereas dynamic coupling describes how services call one another at runtime.

Architecture quantum
An architecture quantum is an independently deployable artifact with high functional cohesion, high static coupling, and synchronous dynamic coupling. A common example of an architecture quantum is a well-formed microservice within a workflow.

High functional cohesion refers structurally to the proximity of related elements: classes, components, services, and so on.
High static coupling implies that the elements inside the architecture quantum are tightly wired together,

A system that relies on a single database cannot have more than a single quantum.

While this individual services model shows the isolation common in microservices, the architecture still utilizes a single relational database, rendering its architecture quantum score to one.


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