Chhotolok (ছোটলোক) ~ Bonoful | Golpalap-E9 | Bengali Audio Story

Описание к видео Chhotolok (ছোটলোক) ~ Bonoful | Golpalap-E9 | Bengali Audio Story

#bonoful #audiostory #golpalap

During lockdown days, we have tried to record a Bengali audio story. The recording is done nothing but by a phonic conversation. So we have named this as "GOLPALAP". Story telling program is very popular now a days. As a lay man we tried it as unprofessional way. Now, as lockdown period is getting lax, we are continuing our presentation with modified equipments and trying the sound quality to make better. Thanks for your support. Happy Listening.
Story Name : Chhotolok
Author : Bonoful
Duration : 10 min 50 Sec
Narrators : Tanmoy, Titash
Soundscape Design & Mixing : Tanmoy
Recording & Guitar tune : Titash
Poster Design : Dip
N.B : Listen with headphone.


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