How Siddharth Achieved the GMAT 770 Goal; Blueprint for 100+ Point GMAT Score Improvement

Описание к видео How Siddharth Achieved the GMAT 770 Goal; Blueprint for 100+ Point GMAT Score Improvement

Are you striving for a monumental score increase on the GMAT? Join us in this live session where Siddharth unveils the detailed blueprint that catapulted his score by over 100 points, landing him an enviable 770 on the GMAT. Whether you're stuck in the 600s or looking to push past the 700 mark, this session is your opportunity to learn from someone who's been exactly where you are and conquered the challenge.

In this exclusive live interview, we'll cover:

📘 Preparation Planning: Siddharth shares the structure and insights of his e-GMAT preparation, highlighting what he discovered was missing during his first attempt and how he adjusted his strategy for massive gains.

📈 Verbal Score Tactics: Learn how Siddharth transformed his Verbal approach, taking his score from a V30 to V40, and then further to a V44. Get insights into the meaning-based approach for Sentence Correction and prethinking strategies for Critical Reasoning.

🧠 Deep Dive into SC and CR: Uncover how the e-GMAT course's specific tools and quizzes helped cement his knowledge and skills in SC and CR.

🎯 Beyond 740: Discover why Siddharth didn't settle for a 740 and what precise steps he took to reach a 770, including his data tracking methods.

⏳ Study Habits: Peek into Siddharth's daily and weekly routines that kept him consistent and motivated throughout his study period.

🕒 Exam Experience: Get a firsthand account of Siddharth's test-taking strategies, time management, and stress control techniques that were crucial for his high score.

Bonus for Live Viewers:
• Q&A session: Ask Siddharth your questions and get personalized advice.
• Exclusive e-GMAT offers for attendees.

Who should watch?
• GMAT aspirants aiming for a 100+ point improvement.
• Test-takers looking to break into the 700+ score bracket.
• Students seeking effective study habits and stress management techniques for the GMAT.

Don't miss this transformative session that could be the turning point in your GMAT journey. Set a reminder, grab your notepad, and get ready to decode the strategies that can propel your score to new heights!

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