How to Use Vaginal Dilators for Pelvic Pain | Vaginal Dilator Physiotherapy

Описание к видео How to Use Vaginal Dilators for Pelvic Pain | Vaginal Dilator Physiotherapy

How to use Vaginal dilators for pelvic pain at home with Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Michelle Kenway. Vaginal dilator therapy is often used to treat pelvic pain, muscle spasm and anxiety with penetration. Knowing how to use vaginal dilators at home can help women follow up clinical treatment and improve therapy outcomes.

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Timestamps - How to Use Vaginal Dilators for Pelvic Pain
1:26 What are vaginal dilators
2:23 Starting position for using vaginal dilators
3:25 Deep breathing exercises
4:54 Body scanning
5:46 How to insert vaginal dilators
7:35 Progressing dilator therapy
9:24 How often to use vaginal dilators
10:05 Precautions for using dilators
11:18 Bleeding after using a dilator

What are Vaginal Dilators

Vaginal dilators are cylindrical shaped devices used in Physiotherapy to treat a range of pelvic floor conditions including pelvic pain and pelvic muscle spasm.

Vaginal dilators may be used to treat:
*Vaginismus (pelvic muscle spasm)
*Vaginal shortening or narrowing
*Adhesions (radiation therapy)

Vaginal dilator therapy is performed at home in conjunction with health professional treatment by a pelvic floor physiotherapist or oncology nurse. Follow your health professional's instructions for home therapy.

Starting Position for Dilator Therapy

*Select a warm comfortable place for uninterrupted relaxation e.g. bedroom

*Start lying down with both knees bent resting over pillows and thighs turned outwards

*Use the smallest size dilator in the first session

How to Use Vaginal Dilators

Step 1 - Deep Breathing Exercises
Deep breathing exercises (diaphragmatic breathing) promote pelvic floor relaxation. Inhale with slow, relaxed deep breaths so your belly rises and then falls as you breathe out. Continue diaphragmatic breathing for 5 minutes at the start of dilator therapy.

Step 2 - Body Scanning
Scan your body to notice areas of muscle tension, sensing from the top of the head progressively through the body down to the toes. Mentally encourage each area including pelvic openings to relax and soften with each successive breath out.

Step 3 - Lubrication
Place a small amount of water-based personal lubricant on the tip of the dilator. Avoid lubricants containing additives or petrochemicals which can exacerbate pelvic pain.

Step 4 - How to Insert a Dilator Insertion and Progress Therapy
* Vaginal dilator insertion should feel comfortable. Keep discomfort to a minimum
* Rest the narrow end of the dilator against the vaginal opening with relaxed deep breathing
* Move the tip of the dilator just into the entrance
* Gradually insert the dilator to a tolerable depth within the vagina. Pause with any discomfort, breathe and relax your pelvic floor
* Insert the dilator slightly further as tolerated, stop at regular intervals to allow your body to accommodate to the sensation

Step 5 - Dilator Removal
*Gently withdraw the dilator, rest and relax
*Wash your hands and the dilator with warm soapy water, thoroughly dry and store

How Often to Use Vaginal Dilators
* Aim for ~ 5-10 minutes/session
* 3 alternate days/week
* Longer than 3 months therapy may improve therapy outcomes¹

Vaginal Dilator Therapy Precautions
* Keep discomfort minimal
* Avoid using with active pelvic infection or immediately after pelvic surgery. Follow specialist recommendations for dilator use
* Slight vaginal loss and blood staining is not uncommon following dilator use. In cases of pain or heavy vaginal loss stop using the dilator and seek medical advice before recommencing

#dilatorsforpelvicpain #vaginaldilatortherapy #physiotherapy

Marisa, L. et al (2021). Vaginal Dilators: Issues and Answers. Sexual Medicine Reviews, V 9 (2) 212-220

Video editing Jonah Bobongie
Music That Kid Goran licensed user

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