Conscript Blues

Описание к видео Conscript Blues

Written on the basis of the verse:
Молодой солдат стройбата
Вдруг, ворвался в инкубатор,
Грязно-матерно ругаясь.
Сапогом прошел по яйцам,
Что родить птенцов готовы,
Весь от горечи шатаясь,
Что на стрельбище промазал
И угробил замолита!
Conscript Blues

(Verse 1)
I was a young conscript, fresh out of school
Assigned to the construction battalion, a miserable fool
With a pickaxe and shovel, I toiled all day long
Building barracks and bridges, singing a sad construction song

Oh, the conscript blues, they haunt me so
The endless drills and the bugle's low blow
The sergeant's bark, the aching back
The conscript blues, they're a never-ending attack

(Verse 2)
One day, we were ordered to guard a chicken coop
The eggs were hatching, the chicks were gonna swoop
But duty called, and we had to march away
Leaving the hens and their offspring to play

Oh, the conscript blues, they haunt me so
The endless drills and the bugle's low blow
The sergeant's bark, the aching back
The conscript blues, they're a never-ending attack

(Verse 3)
When we returned, the sight that met our eyes
Was a scene of devastation, a mother's cries
Her chicks were trampled, her eggs were smashed
By a careless soldier, his spirit dashed

Oh, the conscript blues, they haunt me so
The endless drills and the bugle's low blow
The sergeant's bark, the aching back
The conscript blues, they're a never-ending attack

(Verse 4)
I felt the weight of the world upon my soul
For the life I'd taken, the story I'd unfold
I vowed to never raise my gun again
To end this madness, to break the chain

Oh, the conscript blues, they haunt me so
The endless drills and the bugle's low blow
The sergeant's bark, the aching back
The conscript blues, they're a never-ending attack


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