US President Obama arrives in Germany after G8 summit

Описание к видео US President Obama arrives in Germany after G8 summit

(18 Jun 2013) SHOTLIST
1. Various US President Barack Obama's plane coming in to land
2. Plane taxiing
3. Close-up cockpit, pull out
4. Various stairway being moved into position
5. Red carpet being rolled out
6. Wide shot plane with cars and plane on tarmac
7. Various Obama family leave plane and walk down stairs to shake hands with waiting officials, including German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle
8. Obama shaking hands with German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, beside car
9. Mid shot Obamas walking to car, pull back
12. Various Obama shaking hands with Westerwelle and getting into car, pull out
13. Close-up Obamas in car
14. Various convoy driving away
US President Barack Obama arrived in Germany on Tuesday evening for a 24-hour visit, the culmination of which will be a speech on Wednesday at Berlin's iconic Brandenburg Gate.
Obama will also hold meetings with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other government officials.
He arrived in Berlin with his family following a two-day summit of the Group of 8 industrial nations in Northern Ireland.
The president's visit comes nearly 50 years to the day after John F. Kennedy's famous Cold War address in Berlin.
Obama's trip is sure to draw comparisons to his 2008 visit to the once-divided city as a candidate for the White House.
He received a rock star welcome, with 200,000 people gathering to hear him deliver remarks at Berlin's Victory Column.

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