Choosing an inflatable kayak. What promo videos don't talk about

Описание к видео Choosing an inflatable kayak. What promo videos don't talk about

This video is meant for people interested in purchasing an inflatable kayak.

0:37 Inflatable vs hardshell
3:06 Inflatable kayak categorization
5:40 Brands
6:48 Common story of a novice paddler
8:00 Drying your kayak
10:13 Category 1 kayaks
12:25 Category 2 kayaks
12:48 Self-bailing technology
13:46 Category 3 kayaks
14:04 Kayak camping
14:38 Dropstitch technology
15:58 Is a high end kayak worth the money?
16:57 Double vs. tandem
17:56 SUPs vs kayaks - (Stand up paddle boards)

P.S. I want to be clear about Cat2 boats - I do personally have a prejudice against them because of the drying issue, but if that does not bother you they can be a great choice!


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