Devil May Cry Peak Of Combat Asia: Devil Bringer Nero Deletes Cerberus in HAH-S Boss Hunt (801M Pts)

Описание к видео Devil May Cry Peak Of Combat Asia: Devil Bringer Nero Deletes Cerberus in HAH-S Boss Hunt (801M Pts)

This is my third lineup that defeated Cerberus in HAH-S Boss Hunt this week 😆

The fire hunters are really the most fun to play with (as soon as you learn how not to mess up their QTE rotation 😅) And Nero's Combo B is quite satisfying to use (I need practice on spamming it though 🤣) - Devil Bringer can really do a lot even with just Level 4 fire runes~

Plutone card set stats for DB:
🔥 Burn Gauge Efficiency = 200%
🔥 MP Regen = 36%
🔥 CRIT Rate = 50.5%
🔥 CRIT DMG = 105.2%
🔥 Fire DMG = 18.8%

Card 3 is Crit Rate while Card 4 is Atk%

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