Amazing Mercedes-Benz stash and Tim's latest purchase! W115 from South Africa.

Описание к видео Amazing Mercedes-Benz stash and Tim's latest purchase! W115 from South Africa.

We head up to Preston to visit Quirky Classics and to collect Tim's latest purchase - a beautiful Mercedes-Benz W115 220 originally assembled in South Africa.

The drive home was not without issue - next video on this car will see Quirky Classics and ‪@CambrianClassicsLtd‬ dismantling the engine...

The video also covers our drive home back to Wales. Well, before it got dark anyway!

Christmas Livestream at 1pm on Saturday 21st December 2024! There will be giveaways...

HubNut Store is currently offline for Christmas but will be at when it reopens.

#mercedes #driving #barnfind


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