1HP597 - Hip Thrust Freeweight (new 2019)

Описание к видео 1HP597 - Hip Thrust Freeweight (new 2019)

Here is the Hip Thrust, a machine which targets the muscles of the glutes, the spinal erectors, the hamstrings, the quadriceps, and core strength.

This machine is especially suited for men, who wish to rapidly improve their strength performances on squats, deadlifts...

The Hip Thrust machine is not only an interesting movement for aesthetic reasons. It is also essential to strengthen the muscles that athletes use to run, jump, fight ...

The hip thrust is a movement that can be performed with free weights placed on the abdomen to train all the of the lower body's muscles. One may legitimately wonder whether Panatta's Hip Thrust machine is useful or not?

The superiority of the Panatta's Hip Thrust is due to 7 unique features, as it is:
1) Simpler to get in and out of the equipment. Indeed, one just has to raise or lower the padded abdominal bar to enter or to exit the machine.
2) More comfortable to use, especially past a certain load. With free weights, the pressure of the load can quickly become painful. As the abdominal bar of the Hip Thrust machine is padded which increases body contact surface, it eliminates any pain.
3) Less dangerous, because you cannot get crushed under the weight. In the case of muscular weakness, simply lower the buttocks to the seat in order to stop the movement. Nothing will fall on you or crush you as is the case with free weights.
4) Easier to target specific muscular recruitments. With free weights, there are not really any other possibility of alternative position settings other than the placement of the feet.
5) Provides more possibilities of modulation of the range of motion as you can adjust the level of descent of the buttocks, the degree of shoulder rolling and choose from more foot placements.
In addition, as the back support moves at the same time as the thighs, it greatly increases the range of motion of the exercise, therefore improving the effectiveness of the movement while rendering it more comfortable. Indeed, it is the machine that adapts to your movements while on a fixed bench, it is your body that must adapt to the bench which results in unnecessary discomfort.
6) Enables more intense workouts because one can easily train with very heavy weights on this machine.
7) More stable, especially if you insist on training only one leg at a time. You do not have to play the equilibrists and cling to a load that may crush you at any time. With the Hip Thrust Panatta, it is the machine itself that stabilizes you and not the opposite as it is the case with free weights.

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